This section contains some significant dates and events related to the progress of the study.


19 October 2020: buying of the mechanism and beginning of the study

28 October 2020: communication of the Brateau files on Le Noir family by the Musée des Arts et Métiers

October to December 2020: consulting of the first general books on the history of horology and early pendulum clocks: Sully, Alexandre and Thiout treatises, Plomp books, Huygens' legacy, A Royal 'Haagse Klok', etc.

November 2020: mechanism dismantled and carefully examined

23 December 2020: beginning of the writing of the memorandum


March 2021: cleaning of the gilding

13 March 2021: consulting of the wedding contract at the National Archives

April 2021: first contact with the LGPM laboratory of CentraleSupélec to discuss the possibility to perform spectroscopic (EDS) analyses

11 June 2021: consulting of the Brateau files and Raillard treatise in the Musée des Arts et Métiers

June 2020: making of a pendulum and a fork to prepare the first functional tests of the mechanism

25 August 2021: first EDS analyses at the LGPM

30 November 2021: follow-up of EDS analyses

December 2021: AFAHA contacted to anticipate the publishing of the first article of June 2022


January 2022: discovery of the auction catalogue of Leroux's collection

15 January 2022: consultation of the catalogue from the 1880 exhibition of the Union Centrale des Arts Décoratifs

2 February 2022: creation of the website to share information about the studie

7 March 2022: follow-up of EDS analyses

9 April 2022: consultation of the minutes from the 1896 sale of Leroux's collection at the archives of the city of Paris

23 April 2022: consultation of the inventory of Jean-Léonce Leroux's goods at the National Archives

May 2022: first intermediate version of the memorandum published on the website

June 2022: first article published in the journal Horlogerie Ancienne

22 August 2022: consultation of Pierre des Noyers' handwritten letters at the archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

September 2022: video from CentraleSupélec published on LinkedIn about the study and the first results of the spectroscopic analyses

9 October 2022: follow-up of EDS analyses

9 October 2022: first tomographic analyses at the LMPS laboratory of the ENS Paris-Saclay

4 December 2022: first lecture delivered at the regional meeting of the AFAHA

21 December 2022: consultation of the archives of the Union Centrale des Arts Décoratifs


27 & 28 February 2023: complete tomography of the mechanism at Zeiss laboratories

June 2023: second article published in the journal Horlogerie Ancienne, note published in the journal Antiquarian Horology

21 July 2023: last EDS analyses

25 July 2023: first XRF analyses with the CRC

22 & 29 August 2023: complementary XRF analyses at the Néel Institute

16 October 2023: analyses of CHARM samples to calibrate the spectrometer of the Néel Institute

3 December 2023: second lecture delivered at the regional meeting of the AFAHA

December 2023: analyses of the CHARM samples to calibrate the spectrometer of the CRC


March 2024: third article published in the journal Antiquarian Horology

22 March 2024: PIXE analyses at the C2RMF